Second Look Styling

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Welcome to Second Look

If you’re a follower of Second Look, you’ll (hopefully) be just as excited as I was to see the website launched again. Second Look has taken many iterations over the years, but one thing has always been consistent - my love of thrifting, and my love of spreading the word about sustainable style. And my love of empowering women through the clothing they wear and the spaces they surround themselves in. OK, that’s more one thing … but I’m allowed to love big!

To my newcomers - WELCOME. I AM SO HAPPY YOU’RE HERE (sorry, that was an excited shouting so everyone in the back could hear too!)

You’ll see this site has more services, more offerings, more connection, just MORE. Second Look has been a hobby, a side hustle, a passion project….it has evolved as I have over the past few years, but it has never left my side. It has stayed with me as a fire in my belly and a dream in my heart. In February of 2025 I will turn 40 years old (it’s fine, you can be shocked) - and Second Look is finally going to get her moment in the sun the way she has truly deserved.

Buckle in, folks. I’m thrilled to bring you the better-than-ever SECOND LOOK STYLING.

Xoxo and Stay Thrifty -